By joining, you will have access to a like-minded community of new mothers, Knowledge sessions and live Q & A sessions. We will journey together for 9 months. The Membership is $49/month from the day you join and is offered via the 'WomenWise' App. Available on Android and Apple. MotherWise is tailored for women in late pregnancy and early motherhood. You can join anytime from your second trimester. If you are past 5 months postpartum, you can join the WomenWise Membership instead (Launching later in 2024) Our New MotherWise Journey will begin in August 2024.
Connecting to and realising your strengths as a woman and a mother. You will be eating better and feeling healthier. You will have more ways to articulate your needs in an otherwise blurry time and inevitably feel more supported and able to practice better self-care. You will have a place to reach out for sound and caring support at your fingertips. You'll have more confidence compared to what motherhood otherwise can feel like. You'll reduce your chances of depression, anxiety, depletion, illness, feeding complications and more.
Ongoing support for your newborn/baby/child's wellbeing - drawing on my clinical experience in treating babies and children. Issues such as feeding, constipation, illness, immune, attachment, sleep, settling and bonding as well as starting solids in-depth advice and guidance so you can feel certain that you're offering your baby a great start to the world of food.
Via live Q&A events and detailed knowledge sessions. You will have access to a forum of like-minded mothers where you will be able to have ongoing support and wisdom from our community. Anna-Maria is available weekly in the forum and on live calls every month to ensure you have continuous support and can deepen your knowledge further.
"I found that following the eating plan made caring for my newborn so (comparatively) easy. I only had to compare myself to other mothers with newborns to know this. I don't ever recall thinking that the first 8 weeks were hard and I am sure this is because I followed Anna-Maria's guidance"
"Anna-Maria was also my doula, and I thought I would need to have a second child to be able to have that supportive professional relationship with her again where I could keep learning about my baby's and my health from her. This membership has been fantastic in everyway - educational, positive, and very calming for my overthinking mummy mind."
"Anna Maria has helped me through many ups and downs, twist and tangles with my families health. Always extremely thorough, kind and considered advice delivered with no judgement. Anna Maria is approachable, extremely knowledgable and provides practical nutrition advice as well as prescription herbs. There isn't much she can't help with! Highly recommend having Anna Maria on your team when it comes to women and your families health."
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