Meditation is an invaluable skill to have for any new parent. Learning to meditate and incorporate it into your daily life is a gift to yourself, your child(ren), family and surroundings. In this episode, I speak with Vedic Meditation teacher Jess Osie about the benefits of meditation - specifically Vedic Meditation. This technique is simple, easy and incredibly helpful for anyone wanting more clarity, connection and energy. Listen to the experience of fellow mother Jess Osie about her journey from anxiety to meditator, teacher and mother - the life philosophy and practices that she has for her self and her family, as well as her meditation community, is nothing short of inspiring and admirable. Jess Osie offer all Mumspire listeners a 10% discount if you decide to learn to meditate with Jess. You can find out more about Jess and get in touch with her here.
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